Business in Bulgaria December 2010
Is your organization formally a member of federation or professional organization?
Was representative of your company involved, the last 5 years, in discussing development priorities of (your city, municipality, district or other. Level)?
Has your organization required an issuance of building permit?
Have you had any problems with the municipality administration while requiring a build permit?
Please specify what kind of difficulties have arisen.
What is the extent of provision of e-services by the local (municipal and regional) administration?
Do your municipality have a functional system of "one stop"?
Did the company litigate with anyone to resolve issues related to business relationships in the past year?
How serious do you think is the problem of corruption in local government? Use a scale of 1 to 10 where...
In your industry, how often have businesses and businesses to make informal payments and bribes connected with:
Does the local government provide a hotline for transmission signals against corruption or other instrument for reporting corrupt practices?
Are public procurement procedures that are awarded by local authorities transparent?
What kind of legal assistance and representation does your company use?
Does your company have any of these legal problems over the last year?
In the last year your company has been a victim of:
According to you, are the prosecutors, the police or the court used by business parties as a way of gaining an unfair business advantage?
How do you think the overall economic situation of the country will develop for the next 12 months?
How do you think your company financial situation will change during the next 12 months?
To what extent the financial performance of your company depends on international investment confidence in the country?
In order to have financial success during the next five years, to what extent your company will rely on economic factors following:
Do you trust the stability of the Bulgarian bank system?
Is your company repaying a debt at the moment?
Approximately how much of your company's revenue goes to service bank loans?
Do you have difficulty servicing the loans?
In what currency are the loans of your company?
Do you support the currency board system in which the Bulgarian lev is fixed to the euro?
Do you think it is good the Bulgarian lev to be changed with the euro and Bulgaria to enter the Eurozone?
Does the economic crisis have affected the working conditions in your company in any of these ways?
Do you approve the anti-crisis measures of the government?
The Government announced its intention in January 2011 to increase the insurance burden by 3%. What would be the consequences for your company?
How have your company's revenue changed for the month of September 2010 compared with September 2009?
How have the costs of your company changed in September 2010 compared with September 2009?
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