Democracy and Civic Participation May 2016
Are you currently a member of a political party?
If "YES", do you think your vote counts in governing the party you are a member of?
Are you a member of any of the following organizations?
If "YES", do you think your vote counts in managing the organization you are a member of?
In the last 12 months have you happened to … "YES"?
What is the main reason for Bulgaria to be the poorest country in the EU?
If you had to choose between two candidates for President ..., would you vote for the one who is: Woman
If you had to choose between two candidates for President..., would you vote for the one who is: Person with physical disability
If you had to choose between two candidates for President..., would you vote for the one who is: Elder person above 65 years of age
If you had to choose between two candidates for President ..., would you vote for the one who is: Bulgarian citizen with Roma background
If you had to choose between two candidates for President ..., would you vote for the one who is: Bulgarian citizen with Turkish background
If you had to choose between two candidates for President ..., would you vote for the one who is: Gay / Lesbian
Would you agree with the following statements:
Do you think that the change of parties in government leads to a substantial change in the overall government policy in Bulgaria?
In your opinion, does organized crime exert influence on some of the main political parties in Bulgaria?
Which of the following factors plays greatest role in the appointment of people at high-ranking government positions today in Bulgaria?
Are you currently working?
In your opinion, is it likely for you to lose your job if YOU …?
In your opinion, is it likely for you to be physically attacked in the street if YOU…?
In your opinion, is it possible that any of those situations occur in you life in the next 12 months?
In your opinion, what is the most important problem facing the country at the moment?
Please rate the performance of the government in solving the main problems facing the country at the moment: Poverty
Please rate the performance of the government in solving the main problems facing the country at the moment: Unemployment
Please rate the performance of the government in solving the main problems facing the country at the moment: Crime
Please rate the performance of the government in solving the main problems facing the country at the moment: Corruption
Please rate the performance of the government in solving the main problems facing the country at the moment: Inadequate healthcare
Please rate the performance of the government in solving the main problems facing the country at the moment: Inadequate education
Please rate the performance of the government in solving the main problems facing the country at the moment: Poor governance
If you are unhappy with the way the country is governed, would you take any action?
If someone is violating your rights or is bothering you, you would:
Would you agree with the following statements:
If you have to go to court, do you believe that you would get a fair trial?
Over the last ONE year, have you been to the court for a matter of yours?
If "YES", what was the matter of entering the court?
Over the last ONE year, have you been the victim of a crime?
If "YES" - what kind of crime have you been victiming
In your opinion, which country in the world is run well and should serve as an example for Bulgaria?
Which are the areas in which NGOs in Bulgaria are most useful?
Over the past 12 months, have you heard about an NGO initiative that has achieved significant results in any of the following areas:
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